Friday, January 13, 2012

Not anymore User Name and Password fields available in Login profile to connect to Project Server in MS Project Professional 2010

Environment: Project Professional 2010

In the new version of MS Project Professional 2010, the User Name and Password fields have been removed what we had in MS Project Professional 2007 version in the login screen to connect to Project Server (see Fig –A).
                                                              (Fig –A)  - MS Project Professional 2007

                                                           (Fig –A)  - MS Project Professional 2010

If a user needs to connect to server on different user id, he will have to log off first from the windows and re- login with the other user id. Sometimes this feature is very useful if a user is working in two different departments with two different roles and had two different accounts setup. In other scenario, if we need to test security on different roles, we login on different workflow ids to test specific MS Project professional functionalities right away by using those fields.

There is no out of the box settings in MS Project Professional 2010 to get it back but no worries -  we can create a batch file (.bat file) with few commands to open MS Project Pro 2010 without windows login off. Please follow the below steps to create a batch file and open MS Project Professional 2010.
1- Open a note pad and enter the following commands
@echo off
set /p UN="Username?   "
set /p DM="Domain?   "
RUNAS /USER:%DM%\%UN% "W:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\WINPROJ.exe"
2-   Save this file as “OpenProjectPro-2010.bat” on your desktop. A new batch is now being created as below

3-   Click the batch file to run from the desktop. Enter the asked information i.e. User name, Domain  and Password and in result, it will open MS Project Professional 2010  based on the provided credentials as shown in the following screen shot.